Global Sustainable Sport (GSSport) estimates there are over 400,000+ organisations involved in sport globally including federations, hosts, venues, events, leagues, teams, clubs, brands, media and suppliers


Global Sustainable Sport (GSSport) estimates there are over 400,000+ organisations involved in sport globally including federations, hosts, venues, events, leagues, teams, clubs, brands, media and suppliers.
Global Sustainable Sport (GSSport) estimates there are over 400,000+ organisations involved in sport globally including federations, hosts, venues, events, leagues, teams, clubs, brands, media and suppliers.
UN Sport for Climate Action Framework
In 2015 the United Nations established the UN Sport for Climate Action Framework which currently has just over 270 sports signatories, representing less than 0.1% of the sports industry



Sport’s collective voice can make a difference


Sport’s collective voice can make a difference
Whilst sport has a sizeable global footprint, it is sport’s ability to reach half the world’s population that sets sport apart in terms of global reach.

  • No other industry can inspire people to get active in the way that sport can.
  • No other industry can break down the social barriers that exist internally and externally within countries like sport.
  • It has often been said that sport has the power to change the world.
15,000+ Sports Federations

20,000+ Sports Hosts

50,000+ Sports Events

100,000+ Leagues / Teams / Clubs

200,000+ Brands

& Suppliers

1 Billion Participants
Imagine if sport
could engage 4 billion
people in driving

By coming together, sport can use its collective voice to inspire change amongst its 4 billion sports fans and really make a difference, helping to build a more sustainable future for sport and the planet.


By coming together, sport can use its collective voice to inspire change amongst its 4 billion sports fans and really make a difference, helping to build a more sustainable future for sport and the planet.


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New report highlights pivotal moment for sport as the industry faces new challenges and new opportunities

New report highlights pivotal moment for sport as the industry faces new challenges and new opportunities

Read our latest feature