24th October 2024 – Participation
Workshop 2 in the GSSport24 Winter Workshop series will focus on Pillar 2, Participation, and will feature:
Session 1 – Strength in Numbers: The power of mass participation to engage all of the seven pillars
Session 2 – Delivering greater social impact through sport
Click here to watch the recording as a GSS Network Aliance Member
Session 1 – Strength in Numbers: The power of mass participation to engage all of the seven pillars
As the business model for mass participation events continues to evolve it is those that are re-thinking from a once a year event that runs or cycles fleetingly through a community to year-round engagement far beyond the course that are starting to build a more sustainable commercial model. From an industry that typically saw sustainability only through the environmental/planet lens there is a growing engagement with the other six pillars that is not creating powerful impact.