By registering for group membership of the GSS Network Alliance you will have access to the full range of products and services provide by GSS for your group members. These benefits including the following:
GSS Network Alliance Benefits
12-Month Membership: Continuous access to all GSS Network Alliance resources.
GSS Champions of Sustainability Assessment Programme (CSA): Comprehensive evaluation of your sustainability initiatives.
Analysis, Data and Strategic Review: GSS can provide analysis, data and strategic reviews of the Champions Assessment programme and connect sports stakeholders to industry experts and consultants.
GSS Network Alliance Directory: Connect with hundreds of sustainability-focused sports organisations.
Organisation Profile: Enhance visibility and showcase efforts within the network.
GSS Workshops and Events: Participate in online workshops and exclusive in-person events.
Sponsor a Not-For-Profit: Sponsor a Not-For-Profit through your membership fee and help them accelerate their sustainability activities.
GSS Educational Programme: Engage in initiatives to deepen your sustainability knowledge.
GSS Annual Reports: Stay informed with detailed annual insights on sustainability trends and in-depth analytics.
Latest Sustainability News: Access the latest news and features on sports sustainability from around the world.
In-Depth Features: Read in-depth features and analysis on the latest trends and developments in sport and sustainability
Weekly Newsletter: Receive our weekly sport and sustainability newsletter and get it delivered to your inbox every Thursday.
Academic Research and PhD Programmes: By joining the GSS Network Alliance you are supporting collaborative academic research between GSS and a wide range of academic institutions and future PhD programmes.
Promotional opportunities: Promote your organisation through the GSS platform and network.
Join the GSS Network Alliance today and help drive sustainability through sport
Register your details below for group membership of the GSS Network Alliance and help drive sustainability through sport.