News article

The Belgian Olympic and Interfederal Committee (BOIC) submitted its National Action Plan (NAP).

July 05 2023

The Belgian Olympic and Interfederal Committee (BOIC) is a partner of the Erasmus+ project “Guidance to Achieve More Equal leadership in Sport” (GAMES).

The Belgian Olympic and Interfederal Committee (BOIC) submitted its National Action Plan (NAP).

Within the GAMES’ project framework, BOIC has developed a National Actions Plan to promote gender equality in leadership positions which has been informed by the GAMES’ Pool of Actions, as well as from the national trends that emerged in the GAMES baseline study.

The National Actions Plan is a strategic document which includes the NOC’s objectives and relevant actions to reach set objectives whilst also addressing targeted actions for member organisations to improve gender equality in leadership positions. In other words, the National actions plan includes a roadmap for setting up concrete strategies including tangible actions and measurable timelines to improve gender equality in the leadership of the NOC whilst also including ad-hoc actions to encourage member federations of the NOC to boost gender equality in leadership and decision-making positions.

BOIC’s National Actions Plan focuses on a sports world where Gender Equity is conveyed at all levels. It is more than a concept, it is a reality on the ground!
BOIC aspires to be a role model and a front runner in the implementation of concrete actions aimed at gender equity at the leadership level in sports.
BOIC want’s to make every effort to achieve the best gender balanced representation among the representatives of the member federations at the General Assembly (GA) and among the candidates for board positions presented by the member federations. BOIC’s objective is also to make every effort to achieve parity among the Presidents and members of BOIC advisory commissions, in management positions of the BOIC and among delegation members (staff, (medical)experts, coaches) in multidisciplinary competitions under the responsibility of the BOIC. BOIC will support initiatives of BOIC member federations that aim at gender equity in their decision-making bodies.
To track progress towards the targets, BOIC will develop a monitoring and reporting system.

To realize the objectives concrete actions have already been taken ( workshop in leadership) and will be taken in the upcoming months.

Hence, BOIC is going to start implementing the National Actions Plan in the near future. In the meantime, BOIC has organised its National Launching Event on the 20 and 21st of April 2023 (READ MORE HERE).

Stay tuned with the progress of the project via the GAMES website and the Twitter account!

Read moreGAMES Project

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