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News UK Sport International Partnership Programme – growing para archery across Africa
As part of UK Sport’s commitment to using the power of sport to inspire positive change, UK Sport’s International Relations team have been supporting Archery GB’s work promoting and supporting the growth of para archery across African nations.
Working in partnership with World Archery, World Archery Europe and the European Union’s Erasmus programme, the aim of the project is to develop African para archery across the three key pillars of coaching, judging and competition performance in order to widen participation in para archery across the continent.
The project has included a judging seminar in Uganda in April 2022 followed, for the top three candidates, by judge observation at the European Para Archery Cup in Nove Mesto, Czech Republic in July. This was followed by e-learning programmes to up-skill archery coaches and a coaching seminar in the Kenyan capital Nairobi in September which was attended by eleven coaches representing seven African nations.
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