News article

Motorsport UK proposes widespread switch to sustainable fuels

October 31 2024

Motorsport UK, the country’s national membership organisation and governing body for four-wheel motorsport, has launched a consultation for the adoption of sustainable fuels in UK motorsport.

Motorsport UK proposes widespread switch to sustainable fuels

Sustainable fuels are already widely utilised within motorsport to help reduce its carbon footprint, but the body believes their extended introduction will further safeguard the future of the sport in the UK and minimise impact.

The move follows Motorsport UK’s calculation of baseline emissions, which found that motorsport in the country produced 138,361 TCO2e. The usage of competition fuels totalled 18,307 TCO2e.

Motorsport UK has committed to reducing carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, and with sustainable fuel having an estimated 80% carbon emission reduction compared to fossil-based fuels, the widespread adoption of sustainable fuels would address 5% of the reduction target. This is the equivalent of 6,918 TCO2e.

For now, the organisation will continue to encourage the optional use of sustainable fuels during 2025. From 2026 onwards, Motorsport UK has proposed that all specialist racing fuels contain a minimum of 50% sustainable content with a roadmap to 100% fossil-free racing fuels by 2030.

Sustainable fuels fall into two categories: Biofuels and E-Fuels (Electrofuel). Biofuels are produced from biomass derived from organic waste and by-products associated with the likes of timber processing and food production. Biofuels also recycle carbon dioxide captured through natural CO2 consuming processes such as photosynthesis.

E-Fuels are synthetic fuels produced from direct air capture of CO/CO2 and hydrogen electrolysed from water. E-Fuels recycle carbon dioxide captured directly from the atmosphere.

No further progression would be made on the topic without considering feedback from the Motorsport UK community.

Image: Isaac Maffeis on Unsplash

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