News article

Formula E’s bid to push boundaries while being mindful of the environment

December 07 2023

Formula E has been at the forefront of sustainability in sport since it launched almost a decade ago. 

Formula E’s bid to push boundaries while being mindful of the environment

In 2024, the electric racing series will celebrate its tenth anniversary. It was launched to demonstrate that sport and sustainability can indeed go hand-in-hand, while also continuing to be entertaining.

Formula E’s Vice-President of Sustainability Julia Pallé revealed in an interview with Forbes that despite the series already leading the way in many aspects, there were still goals of reaching max speeds of 320 kph and debating the use of lithium ion or solid state batteries.

Pallé hopes that the coming season, which is set to begin in Mexico in January, will see anxiety surrounding the Gen3 battery dissipate resulting in more on-track action. Pallé also revealed that the next generation of cars – Gen4 – are already being developed.

After calculating its carbon footprint, Formula E found that 75% of its emissions were attributed to traveling to race locations. The championship calendar is now block-scheduled to limit extensive travel. Additionally, the series utilises sea freight when possible to reduce extra emissions from long-haul air travel.

Not only this, but Formula E uses biofuels for transport and is currently researching the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Pallé told Forbes that she believed technology was “able to solve most of the issues the climate is creating” and that she felt sport was a pivotal industry that should invest in, support and showcase new technology in this area.

Before joining Formula E in 2014, Pallé worked for tyre manufacturer Michelin as its Sustainability in Motorsport Executive, having studied business and sustainability.

Pallé also spoke at COP28, which is currently taking place until December 12 in Dubai, and called for greater action and collaboration when it came to fighting climate change.

Image: Chris Kaeppeli on Unsplash

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